
In the evening it’s quiet

and all so overwhelming,

how the floorboards creak—

listening to music,

the refrigerator hums.

It feels like Winter in West Haven.

Summer in Black Point.

It feels like sleepovers on Hill Street.

Has the world forgotten us?

Or have we just found relief?

A little sort of hideaway

that no one else can see.

So I pour a cup of coffee—

do all I can to stay awake.

For now the storm has passed.

And all that trickles in

from the window that’s been open,

are the cooing sounds of morning

that no more than a sneeze could break.

Our Wedding Day

Today I marry my best friend.

Who even in our times of separation

has never left my side.

Do you know how truly special you are?

Because I do.

Allow me to explain.

For years I tried to deny my love

curiosity, and admiration for you.

For years I tried to keep you

buried like treasure, in poetry and words—

(so sure that one day you’d forget me)

For years I was a fool

desperate for attention, and scared to tell the truth.

Do you ever feel ugly or impossible to love?

Like no matter how hard you try,

there’s always this voice urging you to quit?

What boggles my mind most

is how long I spent pretending.

Trying everything I could

to become something that I wasn’t.

Believing that if I kept us a secret

I wouldn’t have to face reality.

The reality that I am a sweet, honest man.

The reality that I am dignified and true.

The reality that no matter how hard I’ve tried to forget—

you’ve never forgotten me, and I’ve never forgotten you.

So today, I marry my best friend.

The sweetest person I’ve ever known.

You’re the love of my life.

You’re the fire to my stone.

And now, my love

we are free to do anything.